Why Learn Astrology ?

Dr. Debashish Goswami practice in astrology since last 17 years and he also became professor of astrology since last 5 years. Many qualified student now practicing astrology in different part of the World who learn astrology from Dr Debashish Goswami and his guidance helps students meet their own goals and the goals you set for them. Positive guidance makes a difference in students’ academic development, as well as their social and emotional growth and self efficacy.
Astrology built a meaningful connection between mankind and the wider cosmos, the relationship between the planetary bodies and the spiritual world of human consciousness and motivation. Astrology has been studied and practised from thousands of years and has played an important, and scientific role in medical, philosophical, literary and psychological traditions over the world. It was Studied at universities throughout Europe from the 11th to the 17th centuries, astrology was included in the curriculum of every educated person. Before astronomy and astrology became separated, many of the greatest scientist/astronomers were also practising astrology.
The area of the planets is the most essential piece of understanding your celestial profile since these areas can be deciphered to give you more knowledge into your life. Individuals have consistently sought the skies for direction, and with present day innovation, it’s simpler than at any other time. In the event that you’re keen on working out the planet positions in your horoscope, begin by making a birth diagram. We’re here to tell you the best way to utilize a birth graph mini-computer to kick you off on sorting out what your stars and planets mean with this aide on the most proficient method to work out planet position in a horoscope.
Calculative Astrology:
- Preparing Natal Chart :
- Determination of Lagna through Ephemeris & Panchang.
- Determination of Planet’s degrees and Nakshatra numbers.
- Calculation of Balance Dasha, Maha Dasha, Antar Dasha and Pratyayantar Dasha.
- Calculation of Gan, Borno, Tithi & Karan.
- Preparing Navamsa (D9 Chart).
- Preparing Navatara Chakra & Sannadi Chakra.
Theoretical Astrology:
- Fundamental knowledge about Astrology.
- Nine Planets : Their characteristics & function, Exaltation Sign, Multrikon
Sign, Own Sign, Friend Sign, Enemy Sign, Debilitating Sign, Aspects
and Friend-Equal-Enemy List.
- Twelve Houses : Their functional effects, Kendra, Trikon, Upachay, Killer, Marak and Badhak houses.
- Twelve Rashis : Their characteristics, symbols & meaning, Kal-Purush Chakra,
Firy-Solid-Airy-Watery Sign and Movable-Fixed-Dual Sign.
- Nakshatras : Their Names, Numbers, Lords and Span in Zodiac.
- Yogas & Conjunction : Details of auspicious & inauspicious Yogas and different types of planetary conjunction and their effects.
- Transit (Gochar) : Fundamental concept of Transit, Planetary Transit periods,
Shani Shade Sati, Dhaiya etc.
- Palmistry : Fundamental concept with position of Planets in Palm, Identification
of good & bad Marks & Lines and their effect, prediction against colors, shape
of palm & fingers etc.
Predictive Astrology :
Natal Chart prediction based on Planets and their Nakshatra Lord’s
placements, Aspect, Conjunctions, Yogas for the following :
- Casting : Preparing of Natal Chart with all Planets & Nakshatra numbers duly mentioned Lagna, Rassi, Gan, Tithi, Barna, Karan, Running Dashas etc.
- Longevity : Short or Medium or Long span of Life.
- Health : Overall health condition.
- Basic Education : Good or Bad.
- Higher Education : Promised or not.
- Financial Status : Wealthy or Poor.
- Job : Business or Service.
- Marriage & Child : Promised or not and overall married life.
- Foreign Travel : Promised or not and foreign settlement.
About Dr Debashish Goswami Professor of Adi Guru Shankaracharya Vedic Research Institution
Dr Debashish Goswami studied MBA in Finance, Ph.D in Astrology & Gold Medalist in Astrology. He is General Secretary – Astrology & Astrologers Welfare Association, President – Aditya Bahini (West Bengal) Purvamnaya Rigvediye Shri Govardhanmath Puri Peeth,Trustee – Adi Guru Shankaracharya Temple and Social Development Trust, Chief Advisor – Sarbo Bhartiya Brahman Parishad.